CheckPoint 4 Premium O2/CO2 (EC)


The Dansensor® CheckPoint® 4 is the most advanced portable gas analyzer
on the market, enabling you to quickly and easily test O2 and CO2 levels in Modified
Atmosphere Packages (MAP) of any shape or size. It delivers accurate headspace
readings on all types of products, bringing fast, reliable quality control to your
packaging process.

Designed for ease of use, the intuitive user interface, touchscreen, and ten language
options ensure operators can execute tasks efficiently, with minimal training. It
minimizes the risk of human error and maximizes overall productivity.

Premium models offer data traceability and security with individual user logins,
product definitions, and reliable storage of up to one million readings. Transfer data
directly via WiFi, eliminating the need for vulnerable paper records.

Dansensor CheckPoint 4 is perfect for manufacturers looking for a robust and reliable
portable quality control instrument to use at their packaging line.